or email us at: pfrlheadquarters1208@gmail.com
Who is Eligible for a Library Card?
The residents of Perry, Greene, and Stone counties who live and work in our service area.
What You Need to Get One:
- Photo Identification: Accepted forms of photo identification are a current driver’s license, school identification card, or any other valid picture identification issued by a governmental agency, such as a passport.
- Verification of Residence: Patrons must provide two (2) documents which verify the address of their current residence. Examples of accepted forms of this verification include, but are not limited to: driver’s license, bank statement, utility bill, physical address verification from your local 911 office, letters from Social Security, Medicare or other government entities, a current pay stub, etc.
Library Cards for Minors:
- A parent or guardian must assume responsibility for materials borrowed by a person under eighteen years of age
- The responsible adult must have a valid library card
- The adult must also read and sign the “Parent/Guardian Responsibility Form”
- Children must be five years of age before they are eligible to be issued a library card.
Replacement Cost:
- There is a $2.00 fee to receive a replacement card should yours be lost or stolen.